All the girls have terrible colds right now. This is snot running from Cali's nose. Gross!
Delaney has snot and sugar cookie stuck on her funny face.

Joc appears to be snot free at the moment but is still a cookie face

Joc appears to be snot free at the moment but is still a cookie face

Their new game is to thow things over. Not just in the tub with toys but all things and anywhere. FUN!!
Right before bed we wear them out with some couch time. They love getting thrown around.
We bought the My baby can read videos and flash cards from the infomercials and the girls can't read yet cause they can't even talk but they are learning and responding to the first video already after about 2 weeks.
Bathtime looks like so much fun LOL, I loved it when all three girls peered over the tub edge at the same time. So cute! Couch time with dad--Whoa! They sure were having a great time getting jiggled and thrown. Cali was cracking me up in the corner all by herself, she was being so cute. Videos--That's amazing that at one year old they're already so smart. I bet they'll get those videos down in no time. We need to catch up Sundi, it's been forever! Have a great weekend!
Wow, so fun!! They do love tub time. I craked up watching them just keep thowing the rings over the tub all the while not making a peep. Girls are so different than my experience boys would have been hollering and jumping around, splahsing making all sorts of trouble. I had to brace myself for the video of couch time...i think Ry toned it down a bit :-). I am really impressed with the reading video..they are reallY merzmerized by it and seem to get it..Cali appeared to the most responsive..jos on the other hand the least. Fun videos you all..thanks for keeping us up to date. I know things have been really hectic with the girls being ya.
from the videos they have down... arms up, arms down, clap wave nose and mouth actions. Joc is the least interested but she gets it too. she wonders around most video wathching and dancing at the song parts, Delaney always ends up right under the tv watching and Cali is always in the nitch corner of the couch on the floor.
Poor girls I hate it when kids are sick. No matter how much you wipe the nose it keeps running.
here i was demanding a blog and it took me days to comment! i have rewatched the videos many many times. love the bath time video. ryan just kinda hucks back the ring and the process starts over. so cute! i'm only 1 month away from being in sunny AZ and seeing you all. i'm pretty excited!!! delaney looks cross eyed in that one picture! funny
ok. so i lied. i like the last 2 vids the most. ( i don't think i watched them before). i love their giggling in the 2nd one and i am laughing hard that you guys got them that video from an infomercial. they totally put their arms up... except joc. she wasn't as into it.
oh... 23 more days til i'm in az.!
I love the videos..can you send another soon. I sent a little something for the girls so you should be receving in the mail sometime this week. I think it will fit in your mail box. Love ya
yeah, I'll get more video soon. Cali walks real good now too so I will post when I get a good one of that.
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