Saturday, April 4, 2009

Coyote Ugly!!!

Though this is a story with lots of emotion and every detail remembered... the jest is that our Buster was attacked or should I say carried off by a Coyote on Monday. Thank God she lives on. Ryan took her to the golf course on the other side of our backyard fence to hit a couple of balls. he was right in front of our house but little did he know that just a few houses down was a coyote lurking in the very short distance. Buster probably saw him and approached him because we didn't hear a sound. When Ryan did see her in his mouth he took off after it and it took off with Buster dangling still in it's toothy grips. Ryan shouted continuously at it but it was when he finally through his club at it that he dropped Buster to lye motionless with her tongue hanging out and her eyes wide with shock. His thought was, she's not going to make it. When I was aware of what was going on I grabbed a towel (for pressure on her gushing wounds) and called 411 for the nearest hospital. Ryan kept pounding on our shocked and motionless dog until she finally started responding by coughing blinking and moving her tongue that was still handing out until then. About 10 minutes later he was at the Emergency vets and buster was put on pain meds and antibiotics asap. After she was stable came the x rays. No internal damage what so ever!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe that. What a miracle. I believe it's because she is a fat dog and her neck is actually seriously fat. You can see the rolls in these pictures. So although I am now putting her on a diet to save her life in the future, it is currently acting as some kind on protection layer. In the x rays you can see that the teeth marks went deep but not much beyond the fat. She is still on antibiotics because coyotes are nasty animals and she may need a rabies booster. I am taking her to our regular vet today for a follow up.
It had her by the neck. there are teeth marks on both the front and back of the neck.

Ryan bought this the very next day and if they come within our site he will use it.

Target practice

This is Ryan's pirch

This dog with her little dog syndrom IS as tough as she thinks she is.


Alicia said...

When Ryan told us what happened we couldn't believe it. I am so glad that she is okay. I know how much you love her. What a crazy story... thank god for her fat, huh?

jewly said...

Poor Buster that is so sad. I am happy that she is o.k.. Good thing Ryan threw the golf club.

Brittany said...

Poor Buster! So glad she is okay! Love the rifle, hopefully Ryan can take them all out! He should go in the revine and take them all down!!!!!

Sandie B said...

Buster is very lucky she has such a fat neck...If she would have been some scrawny little dog she would have been a gonner. Those are some nasty puncture wounds and right on her throat and very close to her spine...Yikes!!! I remember several nights sitting on your back patio and listening to the coyotes after "yowling" after they had caught their is a really scary sound. So thankful Buster is on the mend. PS love the picture of the gun with the toy trike in the back ground! PSS Sundi you are a great story teller.

Lanette said...

Oh Poor Little Buster! That's heart wrenching, how terribly scary that must have been for her and you and Ryan. I'm so glad she's OK! What a little trooper she is, thank goodness!

Joe and Gina said...
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TEAM WOLIN said...

Ohh Buster Brown :-( We are so happy she ed me is doing well. Ava wanted me to tell you that your doggy is "so dorable" :-)
I'm coming down May 6-10th sans a hubby or any children....a little mommy break, yay! Let's get together. I will call you soon.
Love to you all

Jocelyn said...

my poor little busty. i can't even imagine the terror you guys must have felt! but on the flipside- buster is not a bitch you want to mess with!. (good play on words, no?)

Sundi said...

Lisa, I want to get together for sure. Let me no your scedge.

Jocelyn said...

easter pics please

Jocelyn said...

sundi marie! c'mon!

Sandie B said...

Hi Sun, just checking in to see how the girls colds are. I know you took them to the dr today 4/20 Monday. Hopefully, they will be feeling better soon. Changing up diets on these little ones can be tougth on their fragile systems. Milk is a big one too - many little ones tend to be alergic to cows milk. I'll check in with you this ya

Jocelyn said...

do i need to make you feel guilty about how you guys use to live here.. then you decided to pack up and leave us. and now you have babies and i don't even get updates on them. boo.

Jocelyn said...

ok. now i'm getting a little mad. it has been 21 days since your last post and u said 2 days ago you'd post. please. i'm begging.