Friday, January 16, 2009

We have a Laptop!

You all might be thinking that I'm lazy or didn't want to blog but I just needed a laptop since I dropped our old one and I am never able to excuse myself away from my kids long enough to blog in the office home computer. This one is apparently very durable but I will try and not drop it anyway. I will admit to being a lazy picture taker, and since my talented sister in law Jocelyn took so many pictures all day every day while we were back in Washington for the holidays, I didn't even bother taking any myself. Therefore I copied some of my favorites from her blog. Sorry for the wait.
Here we are at Jocelyn and Bennett's Christmas day
Grandpa Doug and Delaney
Laney again with Ryan and Grandma Sandie
We got together with Ryan's Grandpa Mike and his wife Cora as well as his aunt Debbie and uncle Tom. That was fun and the food was great!
Jocelyn in her new hat!
Once again it's Laney with her great Grandpa. She must have gotten held a lot.
These are my triplet's with the Harrison triplets at the annual Brown/Harrison Christmas party. Delaney in the middle with Wes is definitely being a party pooper. Jared has Cali and Cole has Joc.
Delaney in her winter Coat.

Me and Sandie, with Delaney and Cali at the Harrison's for the party.

Cali looking sweet as always.


Jocelyn said...

i saw you commented on my blog so i hurried on over to yours:) fun to see these pics again. miss u all. lots

Julie said...

Yea for the new laptop! Welcome back... to the blog and AZ!! :o)

Sandie B said...

Glad to have you back. I love all these pictures. The girls were unbelievably good while they were here. I know I've said this many times but they are just so happy..all ways smiling.

Lanette said...

Yay about the laptop! I was so bummed we didn't get to meet up with you, Ryan and your girls while we were in AZ (Rob was bummed too!) but there was just too much going on and not enough time, pooh. Next time we'll have to plan it out better! :) Joceyln took lots of great pics of you guys over the holidays, looks like you all had a lot of fun together and time with family is what the holidays are all about! :) Glad you had a nice Christmas. Let's catch up soon!

jewly said...

Cute pictures! I love the one of Laney in her winter coat. Yeah for the new laptop!