Saturday, March 29, 2008

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

I really can't thank every one enough. I feel like I just won an academy award or something because I have just had the greatest achievement in my life and the greatest reward I can ever receive and I have sooooo many friends and family who have helped me, blessed me, supported me and most importantly prayed for me and my girls. So I guess If this were my speech I would have to start by thanking God for making each step along the way happen and for always putting the right people (doctors, medical staff, case workers,etc..) in my path at always the right time and for allowing the girls to stay inside me long enough to have a healthy happy start.
Next of course is to thank all of our family members who were all so involved and always checking in on us to do for us anything and everything that we needed along the way and even now that they are here we couldn't stop people from helping and supporting us if we tried.Our girls are so lucky to be in the Brown/Keller family.
Thanks to Jocelyn for keeping up the blog for me and keeping everyone informed and thanks to all the readers who have written in words of encouragement and have faithfully prayed for us on a daily basis. In fact, thanks to all the aunts for their parts in keeping up the blog. Candy for the pictures and Brittany for doing my blog a few times while I had my carpel tunnel. Thanks for my showers Jocelyn, Sandie, Mom, and Ali, and Helpers.
Thank you friends who have called me from time to time through out all this to here about the progress and just to give me support and encouragement all along the way.
All in all I think Ryan and I are Truly the most lucky couple to ever live. We have the kindest most thoughtful friends and family that anyone can ever hope for and because of all of you, our girls will be blessed to have both of us.
THANKS! Please keep praying.


Jocelyn said...

See... you are so funny. I loved your speech. It was really sweet Sundi and everyone was so happy to help and be a part of this first step in becoming a parent for both you and Ryan. Hard to think that less than a year ago- we had no idea how much your life would change and here we are! Can't wait to be there in 3 days. Really looking forward to it. You look gorgeous in your pics- absolutely stunning. I hope you feel it:). Thanks for making me feel a part of you and Ryan's special moment. It means the world to me.

Meg said...

Isn't motherhood the greatest gift in the world?! Just something that is so unexplainable! I can so tell you "get it" and welcome you to the club! Your life will never be the same, and somehow, it will be better than you could have ever imagined. Congrats Sun! We are so happy for the five of you...god, I still giggle when I type that. Hang on, you're about to start on such an incredible journey.

Laurie said...

Sundi...congratulations on the birth of your sweet girls..we have followed your journey through this great blog and we have prayed everyday for a great outcome and the prayers were answered. You and Ryan are truly blessed and you did an awesome job getting your babies close to term. Amy sends her love too. Hugs to all...The Quist's

Brittany said...

Sundi you are so sweet. Great speech, I would have nominated you for trooper of the year!!! You have that mommy glow and Ryan has the daddy glow. I can't wait to watch you guys at home with girls. It is going to be so fun. Whether you like it or not, you are going to be seeing much more of us soon. I can't wait to watch those girls grow up. And besides Justin keeps talking about Uncle Ryan. We will see you later this week!

Sundi said...

Yeah Justin is nutty for Ryan. He must just have one of those faces which is a good thing since he now shares it with 3 new people.