Saturday, March 29, 2008

Me and my girls.

Horrible picture of me but I love the way Cali is looking at the camera too. I'm trying to feed Cali who is no longer as interested in her bottles.
Cali in her pretty doll dress.
Don't worry be happy Jocelyn. It's funny because today she was less fussy then I've seen her in a long time. I guess the clothes do make the person.
That's me with my new hair cut and Delaney(without passy) and Jocelyn (with)
So these are of me with the girls from last night (in red shirt) when I went with Candy, and today (starting with the happy shirt) when I went with Ryan. I love to see the girls every day and when I come home I always smell a little bit like babies. I love that smell.


Marnae and Matt said...

I love your new hair cut! It looks so good on you! Great pics and the girls are so adorable.

Jocelyn said...

what is this? Jocelyn is fussy? This is the first I've heard of this news. Hmmm...that was a funny t-shirt. hoping it was not something out of the girls closet. I'm thinking i might have hid it when I was hanging up the boat load of clothes for them in February had it been in there.

Meg said...

Hot're gorgeous! Love the haircut. And Joc isn't fussy, she's just trying to start being a smart alec early, and has a lot to say...probably a thing or two about that shirt.

Brittany said...

Sun you look so great! I bet it was so nice to get your hair done and start getting back to being yourself again, but now as a mom!!! Love the pictures, you look fabulous!! Can't wait to see the girls again!
Also, Justin can't wait to see Uncle Ryan, he keeps looking at pictures we have of him and say "I-an" He can't say the R yet but he is trying.

Jocelyn said...

what's funny is i double click on all the pictures so i can see the girls bigger and the pic of Cali kinda smiling is really funny! she's got this total smirk on her little weeny face.

Sundi said...

Nice Joc, but no that was a shirt that the church ladies made who then donate them to the NICU. Ryan and I cracked up when we saw her in it though.