Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ryan and his girls.

Ryan, Candy and Tami went this morning to feed the girls and got their first picture together. Sundi had a very long day/night (@ the hospital by 10 am for the morning feeding- lunch with Justin and my mom- parenting for premies class and then still at the hosptial for the girls night feeding. whew!)lastnight and was told to rest today but will feed the girls this tonight. What you see in the pics are Delany and Jocelyn with feeding tubes in and Cail w/o one. Jocelyn had her feeding tube out yesterday but they have upped the amount she's eating and she gets tired during her bottle so they have the tube in again. I think it's cute how eating is exhausting for such little ones! They are doing really well. Delaney and Cali are in an adjoining room from Jocelyn and hope to get a room altogether w/in the next day or so. Sounds like one of the (many) tests for them before they can go home is to be able to eat on their own for 48 hrs..
Sundi hopes to be back on blogger by weekend and is really looking forward to posting. I miss her. She's way funnier than I am.


Brittany said...

Ohh Ryan, you are just too cute for words. I love how you have taken on being a dad so naturally, it makes me just grin from ear to ear. I am so impressed by your instant bond with your girls. I have used the word precious too much but that is the best word to describe your relationship with them.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Joc for keeping us all updated on the babies, the mom and the dad! What a huge blessing that the girls are progressing and doing well. Sounds like Sundi and Ryan have a great family support system I know that was key for my mom back in the day! Do the babies get to be in the same incubater/crib?

Sandie B said...

These little girls are absolutely tiny and so so precious. Ryan and Sundi are doing such an incredible job. If you could see Ryan in action you would think he was one of the nurses...he is so hands on and so confident when he cares for the girls. I loved being their with all of them..and I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am as a parent and as a grammy.

Brittany said...

Happy One Week Birthday to the girls!!!!