Since I was up and out yesterday to my appointments Ryan had the opportunity to make my bed. I almost never leave this spot. We put out our air mattress so that I would be in front of the TV that has all my recordings as well as a DVD/VCR player. I even sleep on it at night although I actually miss sleeping w/ Ryan but I don't think he's anxious to have me back. Buster doesn't know what to do since she has always slept with us, so at night she goes back and forth from my bed to his and I have to get up w/ her since our bedroom bed is too high for her to jump on. Ryan doesn't help her up since he sleeps through her scratching at the bottom of the bed. I may have to go back to the bedroom just to avoid getting up 4 or 5 times a night. But then again I always have to go to the bathroom when I get up anyway. Although this is a true convenience for me to have a bed out here I can't wait for all this to be over so I can have my house back to normal (no cracks about how my house will never be the same again after the babies because I don't want to believe it). Well If I don't have anything exciting to tell you about before Tuesday I do have another Doctors appointment then so I'll keep you all posted.
Couple things- good job on making your "bed" and couldn't help but notice the cheezeit's and the trashy romance novel.
Joc, that's what I was just going to write! Love the Cheez-its and the Nora Roberts book. And I'm thinking that's a pregnancy journal in the bottom pic on top of the laptop? Tell Ryan he's a loser for not cuddling up to you and the girls.
Looks pretty comfy Sundi!
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