Monday, January 28, 2008

I need to cut back on blogging

Buster says Hello.
TRYING to listen to heart beats
It's nice to have a little support from time to time.
So While Ryan got to go out with our friends this last weekend for Ally's birthday party I stayed home in bed. However these are pictures of the highlight in my weekend. On Sunday my parents came over after picking up a few things I needed at Babies R us and stuff. They brought a back and tummy support, a heart beat monitor (which will still take a couple weeks to hear anything ) and most importantly a wrist brace. I have recently developed SEVERE carpal tunnel syndrome which hopefully explains why I haven't been blogging much lately and why I have not been commenting on other blogs as well. Amazingly the brace actually helps a ton but I'm thinking that unless the rare occasion comes where I am up for blogging, Ryan is going to do my updates about the medical stuff for me. I will continue to read my comments and all the other blogs as well and because my Carpal tunnel SHOULD go away very shortly after birth I will return after that.


Sandie B said...

Sundi Marie you are a sight to behold!! I am sitting here by myself just cracking up at all the 'gear' you have on. Then I felt bad after I read you had did that happen..have you been sleeping on your wrist?? Sounds like your Mom and Dad go you some fun new toys to entertain!! That will be so fun to be able to listen to the heart you

Jocelyn said...

Jeeze- my mom was blogging late lastnight/early this morning! It's true, I have been missing you in the blogging world:) but understand with your current situation why you aren't really able to. Would love to see Ryan's chubby little fingers typing comments and updates though:) just another item to add to the list! Hoping to book airfare later this week to come visit in February. Can't wait to see you all!

Jocelyn said...

and you look great!

Anonymous said...

I am glad I reread your blog today because I origionally thought that you said you got carpel tunnel (sp) because of blogging? and I don't think that is the case. Cool that you can get a monitor to hear the babies heartbeats! I am praying for you and the babies all the time, take care.

Brittany said...

SO cute Sundi! I can't wait to come over and hear those heart beats!!!!! See you tomorrow!!

Cole said...

Ah what Carpel tunnel!? that blows sorry to hear. Make ryan type for you haha he has little chubby fingers that should do the trick. Take care now!

Cole said...

Ah what Carpel tunnel!? that blows sorry to hear. Make ryan type for you haha he has little chubby fingers that should do the trick. Take care now!