Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Before I get into mother's day I just wanted to share some pics and a video of the fun times outside with the swing and cookies.

Now about my Mother's day... All I wanted was to SLEEP IN and I got it. Ryan had the morning duty while I slept till 9:10 in the morning. The girls went down for their 1st nap at 9:30. After that I just chilled. The first video below is of Ryan with the girls in the morning while I'm sleeping. Than after a nice long nap for the girls and lots of coffee for me, I took the girls out to the outlet mall to buy them some Jammie's, summer hats shoes and some new sunglasses because they love them so much. Believe it or not I got myself nothing even on this special day. The second video is of them in their new hats and shoes.

We put them down for a second nap but they just laughed and played in their cribs instead so we let them go for about 40 minutes while we got a few things done and then brought them out. We then did our usual routine and had so much fun together that Jocelyn started running around like crazy and fell into a toy and got a black eye (not pictured). It took a little loving from both Ry and I and she forgot all about it. Last video is the Glorious end of the day when all the girls gifted me with a quick put down and hopefully a peaceful night!


Brittany said...

That is so cute! Glad you guys had a great day yesterday. Isn't it funny that all we want is to sleep in??? Love the girls, they are so cute! Can't wait to see them this weekend!!!!! and you guys too of course!

Jocelyn said...

i am always cracking up when i see the videos. always.! them strolling around inside in their sun hats with onesies and shoes on, kills me. happy mother's day sun! you do such a great job.

shawna said...

All's I can say is that I just love them.....You truely are an unbelievable mom Sundi:) I love all the video's. I feel so funny always postiong and now adding a ton of video's! Do you all really like them or am I just "the crazy mom?" Call me soon 206-399-2414 I would love to catch up when you get a free moment!

Lanette said...

Those were so cute! I always love watching the video's. Sounds like you had a great Mother's Day and you deserve it! (But hey, shouldn't someone be wearing the "I love Mommy" onesie instead of the "I love Daddy" onesie on Mother's Day?? That was funny, Did Ryan do that or you?)

Julie said...

Happy Mother's Day, Sundi! OK, a little belated, I know, but still - you've done an amazing job... and still posting! Love the videos...

Alicia said...

Love Joc on the phone. Cohen does the exact same thing. I think because Jeremy is ALWAYS on the phone. The girls are so funny. They crack me up. What a fun mess you have everyday! I cannot imagine how you do it. Glad you got to sleep in for mother's day. I didn't :( That was all I would have wanted too. Not diamonds, not clothes... just sleep, okay maybe a vacation too. Funny how things have changed. Happy late Mother's Day to one of the most deserving mothers I know!