Sunday, June 1, 2008

What we did this week

JocelynPatty Harrison making us enchiladas!
Steve Harrison hangin with Cali
The girls doing a photo shoot (it's hard getting 3 babies to look at you at once).

Jocelyn got her first band aid. We tried to clip her nails. Never again!!! They can scratch themselves for all I care.
I don't know why but Buster really wanted up there. Maybe she wanted Steve and Patty to love on her like they did the girls.

Memories Patty? It's been a while but she's still the master at feeding triplets.

Getting ready for the night feeds

So Steve and Patty Harrison came to visit for a couple of days and Even though their triplets are grown now they still know what they're doing. We've learned a lot and asked a bunch of questions. Patty taught us how to hold 2 babies at once and tried to explain how you can feed all three at the same time but my brain just can't even go there right now. We had so much fun with them as we always do. They are positive people and that's encouraging to see fellow triplet parents still have a great attitude after raising their own set plus two other children. Wow, My hero's!!


Lanette said...

Wow!! Look at all those bottles! :) The girls are so cute, even when they're all looking in different directions! :)


Anonymous said...

They are my heros to Sundi! I am glad they spent some time visiting they were excited to meet your girls and love on babies! We are a baby loving family for sure. I am envious you got home cookin. Enchiladas are my favorite!

Anonymous said...

They are my heros to Sundi! I am glad they spent some time visiting they were excited to meet your girls and love on babies! We are a baby loving family for sure. I am envious you got home cookin. Enchiladas are my favorite!

Alicia said...
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Alicia said...

Okay... looking at all those bottles overwhelms me! Cohen is enough and I feel like all he does is nurse all day. You guys are amazing. I don't know how you do it!

Sandie B said...

Poor little Jos..the best way to clip their finger nails is to bite them (the nails that is not the fingers)! I remember when Ryan was little and I was giving him a haircut I cut his ear and he bled like crazy!! So glad Patty and Steve got to meet the girls and spend time sharing all that they know about raising triplets...what a great resource and role models for the two of you. Love and big thanks to Steve and Patty for being such great friends (more like family I should say).

Meg said...

Sun, don't feel bad...I almost severed Hadley's finger when she was about the same age. Sandi B is right, just bite those puppies and then one day they'll be more like normal nails and you can clip away. I cannot believe HOW BIG the girls are getting. They are so, so, so adorable. Love them! Those bottles in the fridge make my heart race, even though we're well over the bottle and night feeding stage...I rememeber it well and can't imagine x3. You go Super Mom!!!

Jocelyn said...

yeah- man those Harrison's do know what they are doing huh? I hope Patty worked some of her magic because it'll only help you guys- especially if you could feed them at once- talk about time management Sun! Think- more sleep.

Julie said...

Sweet tiny finger in a band-aid - I feel your pain! I use those baby nail files to get them from having the sharp edges and scratching themselves, which is also awful. And their nails seem to grow so fast!!

Kasie M. said...

The Harrison's are the greatest. So nice to be with people and learn from people that actually raised triplets themselves. I bet they had great advice.