Friday, January 4, 2008

Nice to have a man around

The nursery is slowly coming together. This ceiling fan light was my Christmas present from my mom and dad.
Buster got a new bed for the babies room. I got the smallest one since there won't be a lot of room in there. If she weren't so over weight she'd fit perfectly but she's obviously not complaining.
So, we got this fan and I thought I'd be able to put this together myself until I opened the boxes and realized I was completely mistaken. Then Ryan looked at it and we decided to find someone for hire to do it for the both of us. Suddenly though one day Ryan just got started and although there were a lot of things gone wrong (I won't bore you with all the dramas) by the next day it was done. Now he says it wasn't that hard once you've done it but I know I still could be staring at the thing blankly if it were up to me and I'm the one who usually puts the stuff together at our house and programs all of our gadgets. So needless to say I was very very impressed.


Jocelyn said...

So you got your dream fan/light? and installed. I talked to Ryan the day before he put the damn thing up and he made it sound like it was a good job for someone else. I too am impressed. I too am impressed that Buster can squeeze herself into a "small" bed. If I could sqeueeze myself into a small t-shirt- I'd look as happy as she does.

Anonymous said...

I was quite surprised to read that your the one who figures out the gadgits (sp) out and puts the stuff together! see this blogging stuff helps us learn more about each other every day.