Monday, January 25, 2010

Jumping and Dancing videos!

The climb and fall game

The girls LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to DANCE, DANCE, DANCE!!! And of course they'll climb on anything they can so all I can do is just try my best to make it safe and let them have at it!

The girls got a Veggie Tale CD for Christmas. Guess they liked it!


Sandie B said...

I got the videos to work. The climb and fall game looks dangerous but they do love it. I got dizzy watching them dance. Looks like you four have tons of fun all day long - Jos said to me the other day "The girls are going to have such great memories of playing and have fun with you...I would certainly agree -Sun you are such a great Mom!

Sundi said...

Thanks that means a lot because sometimes I do get tired of ALL the jumping and playing but thinking of them having memories and knowing they're having fun is definately my motivation.

Jocelyn said...

i am so in LOVE with them dancing it's insane. it puts an instant (HUGE) smile on my face and if i'm being really honest.. i even have tears in my eyes. some days it really hits me how very much i am missing out. love them spinning and waving their arms.
xoxo. #1 auntie

Lanette said...

That's so cute how they all twirl and twirl. I totally laughed SO hard when Jocelyn launched off the top of the fall thing but thank goodness you have pillows there, i'd be worried about them breaking their necks! LOL. I'll have to work on not being such a nervous nelly when I have kids huh?

Sundi said...

you'll still worry but what you can't control you'll have to make a little better and safer.