Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fun in recovery

I know that I have a few things to catch up on my blog and most I never will because I've missed so much (plus I've been bad about having my camera lately), but meanwhile I have a couple of videos of the girls while we're staying at my moms for my recovery. They have been having sooooo much fun.


Alicia said...

Love the videos. This age is so fun. They need you but they don't and they are so entertaining. Everything they do is so cute. I just love watching and so does Cohen! You better post some pics of your hot new bod. Can't wait to check you out.... hope that is not creepy????

Sandie B said...

Not too creepy but still creepy!..just kidding Alicia
Laney is such the little bully..i was watching the video and was just waiting for her to push Cal and sure enough she did...Little Josie is so sweet playing with what looks like a place mat...and happy even though it wasn't making any noise...Cal is just enjoying life...Cali and Delany are fearless...just like their Mommy.

Jocelyn said...

oh! that 2nd video cracked me up. believe it or not joc is even fearless. in comparison to laney and cali- not as much, but more so than any other kids i've seen before. i love that about them! wild little girls!
p.s. let your new girls drop a bit before you post pics. i don't want you to blow us all away!

Lanette said...

Glad you guys are having a fun recovery. OMG videos were way too cute. Totally laughed watching the girls launch off the couch, legs flying everywhere as they ricochet off the pillows. Too funny. Delaney was hilarious hogging the tapping circle (and pushing Cali! not so nice but funny!). Poor Joceyln--no noise would come out of her square, that was so cute :)

jewly said...

Cute videos. Looks like you might have some tap dancers on your hands.

mableyfam said...

I love watching Delaney use just her finger to push Cali out of the way. Most kids would use their whole arm or both hands, but just a little push did it. So fun!

Sandie B said...

So have you all recovered sorry to hear you all had the are the girls feeling?

Jocelyn said...

ok. you are past your 'fun in recovery'. lets get going sister.