Thursday, January 29, 2009

Rub a dub, 3 babes in the tub

This is a first for us. We always bathe them one at a time but since everyone is pretty stable these days and don't tip over anymore we figured we can turn bath time into yet another play time. They catch on quick don't you think?


Julie said...

Wow - that is just wild! Congrats on getting them all done at once... now you're a blogging queen with all your extra free time - haha! ;o)

Lanette said...

I don't know what it is about your videos but I always totally smile and laugh out loud when I'm watching them. That was so cute, thanks for sharing!

Jocelyn said...

i LOVE 3 babes in the tub. i have big memories of ryan and i taking baths together..i seriously do. this has to be easier than doing it individually. these videos really make me smile too like lanette.