Thursday, November 13, 2008

A few videos from today

It's hard to get good videos of the girls because everything happens fast and 9 times out of 10 you're busy with one girl while the other is doing something great. This first video I was feeding Cali a bottle when Josie pulled herself up on the bouncer and squealed with delight. When I was done with Cali I was hoping Joc would do it again but she bumped her head instead of course!

Here Laney was screaming bloody murder as her first tooth (that's right first tooth) was literally cutting through. I thought it would be a cool thing to get on film but she was distracted by the camera and wanted to chew on the string instead. I couldn't get a good shot of the tooth either.

This last one is of all the girls doing nothing exciting because the camera is on them. Oh well.


Alicia said...

Poor Joc... She should have been wearing her helmet! I love the videos. It totally shows where they are at with things. They really are getting big!

jewly said...

I love the squeels the girls make. Great videos. Hopefully we will get to see them again when we visit.

Sandie B said...

I was cheering Jos on as she was trying to stand up.up..up.up.that was so fun!! Jos has the sweetest "little" coo...Love that you were trying to capture Laney's tooth on camera...she didn't seem very happy but was easily distracted...and that Cali...with a smile that goes on for a mile.....thanks sun these were great videos! Love you all.

Jocelyn said...

man. am i a sucker for all three of them? first i clapped as soon as josie stood up (can't believe she's doing it now when just a week ago while i was there we talked about her doing it soon) and then poor delaney crying but i loved how quickly she got over it (yeah! first tooth) and then i liked the video of all three of them in the playroom doing their thing. they are so happy!

Sundi said...

Jewly, when are you visiting? I'd love to so see you guys! The girls are becoming very social so I'm sure they'd love it too.

Sundi said...

So Sandie and Joc, Today was little Joc's first day to stand on her own with a prop. She's been trying on the couch and the ottoman but they where too high for her little arms to reach so she was thrilled that she could do it on the bouncer. She also is constantly using me as a prop to pull herself up on. It's her new thing.

Julie said...

Yea! Those videos are so fun! It's great to see them in action, and hear them, too. Can't wait to meet them... I'm swamped this week, but I'll give you a call soon.

Lanette said...

That was so cute, for those of us who are far away we've mostly been looking at pictures these last 7 months so it's so great to see and hear them in person. Love the last video how you get smiles from everyone and how Laney is in the backgound with the the "boing, boing, boing" noise (or was that the jack in the box?). That's cute how Laney got distracted by the camera string, I was laughing outloud :) Thanks for sharing!