Thursday, August 21, 2008

Few and far between.

I know that there are people out there disappointed that I haven't been blogging much lately and believe me, every day I think about it and intend to if I get the chance. Lately however, there is just no give in my time. There is nothing in my day that I can sacrifice for time to blog. However, I know how important it is to share the girls with our friends and family so I will continue to do my best. Hopefully some day (like maybe when they sleep through the night) I will be able to pick up on the updates and stories as much as before and be able to check out other peoples blogs more frequently as well. All that being said, lets see what's new... All the girls are now unswaddled through the night as Delaney started rolling over and sleeping on her tummy. We still swaddle Joc and Cali around 5 am so that they will sleep until around 7 or 8. All the girls are on a new formula for colic and sensitive stomachs as well are all on reflux medication and what do you know, every one is much happier. They are all teething but right now I think Delaney will have the first tooth as she is always in pain. They are all starting to giggle and it is soooooo cute. They girls are developing stranger danger and pretty much will all want me all at the same time.




Cousin Wyatt with Jocelyn (she WAS happy right before I took the picture)
Me and my girls. It's hard to take a picture that is good of everyone. This one is good for Buster but not Delaney.

Not really good for anyone but at least Delaney doesn't have her fist in her face.

Here's a good one of Laney.

My mom and Jocelyn


Brittany said...

Love the pictures and the update. The girls look so content and I love it that they are giggling and sleeping unswaddled!! Keep up the good work guys!!!!!!!

Julie said...

Baby laughs are the BEST! I know you're swamped, but I really love the pictures and seeing how they're all growing... and enjoy it while it lasts - they get so big SO fast!!

Jocelyn said...

i seriously cannot get over a couple things. 1. how AMAZING you look- look at your pointy chin! 2. how adorable the girls are. That first pic of joc made me go 'ahhhhh' out loud. 3. laney and cali are getting so pretty (i admit to thinking joc was theeee cutest) but her little sista's are right there now!. i think they just had some catching up to do in weight etc. their skin is so pretty. hearing they are unswaddled makes me feel free just at the sound of it. all the changes- all along the way. that's what parenting is- that is why we are given free will- so that we can figure out what is best and i think you guys are doing an awesome job. i needed to see these pics. i have been down/mad at you guys for living in arizona so now i feel better. (but only a little) and it will take many updates for me to almost forgive you. thanks!

Joye said...

Oh Sundi....the girls are SO cute!! I know you have been so engulfed with these little angels, but I'm so glad you had time to post again! Even tho i don't comment often, just wanted you to know that i ck back often and was so happily surprised today! You look FABULOUS, I might add....and Grammy looks so darn great, too! Love you!

jewly said...

They are so cute and getting bigger. How fun to hear them giggle and coo.

Lanette said...

Yay, what a nice surprise to see that you posted!! Wow, your girls are all getting so big and healthy, it's amazing that you already have three FIVE MONTH old babies, they're practically half a year old already...My oh My where does the time go?? :) The two pics of the four of you (5 if we count Buster!!) are so cute! You look so proud and happy to be with your girls, as you should be. And I totally agree with Jocelyn and Joye, YOU look Awesome!! No one would even know you are keeping so busy with triplets! We love to see new posts and pics but understand (yet don't--How could we ever, really?) how busy and full your days must be. So don't worry, you are doing just fine!! So nice to see all of you and keep up the great work!! It looks and sounds like everyone is doing great!! Take care!

Sandie B said...

The girls look so beautiful. I can't get over how much the identicals look like Ry - Cali has Ryan and Grandpa Moug's ears!! She looks like a little pixie. Can't really tell what color their hair is- still reddish? Jos still looks so laid back - hopefully that won't change. I know how busy you kids are but I think you are beginning to believe that it does get easier as they get older. Try and enjoy these times they slip by us so quickly. Every day I wish I was there to help you..Love you both and miss you more..Mom

shawna said...

Look at all of you! Wow the girls are growing up so fast, and are the cutest almost 5 months olds around! I was so happy to see that you have added onto your blog, I know how busy you are and I so appreciate it when you do post. I am hoping that for all your sake that the girls will have a far smoother 5 months ahead. Let's talk this week and catch up on the phone, when is a good time for you to talk? I am so excited to meet the girls this Christmas and hang out and do something fun :) Take care, Shawna
P.S. Please do keep posting pics of you all when you can, I get such a smile when I look at your blog and there is something there. You look so beautiful and are totally glowing. Motherhood suits you well:)

Kasie M. said...

No need to explain your lack of blogging because I know your hands are full 24/7. You look beautiful and the girls look happy and healthy. I'm sorry about the sleep issues you've been having with them and can't imagine dealing with 3 little ones all at the same time. You and Ryan are doing a great job!!! Thanks for keeping us updated when you can.

Kasie M. said...

Don't the smiles and giggles make your heart melt? Oh, how I love those sounds!!!