Friday, April 25, 2008

New Pics!

So here is another tummy time that Ryan did and took pictures of. They must not be doing much at tummy time if Ryan can pose them and take all these picturesFrom smallest to biggest

Cali had her first Dr. visit on Wednesday. She was 4lb15oz. Almost 5 lbs!
Here she is on her way to the Dr.'s. The pictures are out of order because the next one is of the Dr.'s office again.

Ryan's mom came to town and is temporarily taking over the live in grandma role (always gotta have one) and we were hanging out outside, so we brought the girls out in their play pin. Don't worry they were very shaded under the covered patio.

Today, Jocelyn and Delaney had their first eye exam and so far their eyes look perfect (Cali had her first one at the hospital already. We didn't take pictures there because it was actually very invasive and I couldn't even look myself. I clung to Ryan while my girls were crying these horrific cries. Ryan actually looked. Anyway we'll do it again in 2 weeks at around when they had their actual due date because we're crazy like that. It seems like every day we have something going on. I can't wait until that kind of stuff slows down and I can just take care of the girls without a daily apt.. It is so great to always have good help from Ryan, or my mom, or currently Ryan's mom who helped out a lot today and watched Cali while we got the eye exam and again tomorrow while Joc and Laney have their second Dr. apt.


Brittany said...

Love the pictures! I can't wait to see them tonight!!!!!!!!!! And you guys too of course!

Jocelyn said...

thanks for the new lot of pictures! tell ryan i love the pics of the girls in cute. also tell him that the pics he took are great. i loved the 2 girls polka dot onesies.

jewly said...

They are all so cute. I can't believe Cali is almost 5 LBS Good Job!

Anonymous said...

They are all soo beautiful! The close up of Cali looks like Ryan for sure.

Cole said...

the girls are beautiful and the brothers and i can;t wait to see them soon! in late august! luv ya guys!