Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hotel Hospital from here on out

Sundi and Ryan had an early a.m Dr.'s appt. yesterday- where the girls were weighed and measured: Cali- 3 lbs. Delany 3 lbs 14oz. and Jocelyn weighs 4 lbs 10 oz.! Cali did grow almost a pound this week but she's still only in the 5th percentile. The Dr.'s felt that Sundi was showing signs of toxemia so they have decided to admit Sundi til she gives birth so they can keep an eye on her and the girls. Ryan sends me text messages every couple of hours telling me he's watching Dr. Phil in the room with her etc. and that he'll be staying the night with Sundi at the hospital. I think they are getting pretty ready to meet the girls.


Brittany said...

That sucks that she is in the hospital, but exciting because the girls are coming soon!!! Hang in there Ryan and Sundi!

Sandie B said...

My flight is booked and I am standing by!! I am getting so excited..