Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Three Beans

Ryan sent the ultra sounds to my Mom- in the progression that they had rec'd the news each time they went to an ultra sound (top to bottom).So the first time they go and find out they are pregnant. The 2nd time they find out they are having twins and the third time they find out they were having triplets. Ryan was a bit scared to go to the 4th ultrasound.


Meg said...

CRAZY!!! I remember when I got my first ultrasound and the MD said "well, there's only one heart beat." And I thought "Wow, I didn't even think about two being in there"...yet alone THREE! So much fun to see, I can't wait to see you in person Sundi, I bet you look gorgeous!!!

Sundi said...

I always do

Jocelyn said...

Snap for Sundi.... i don't think these babies are making your belly any bigger- but maybe your head! ha. you are funny. and if you said it in person, Ryan would think it was pretty funny too. He'd be like "Sundi Marie" and then laugh. Can you tell I miss you both? All day while making turkey dinner- I kept thinking about how MUCH I wished you guys were in my kitchen. love you!

Sundi said...

Love you too. And by the way It was killing Ryan not to be there.