My Dad's identical Twin Dwayne and Aunt Linda came to town to visit and go to the Insight Bowl with my parents. Today We all went to a BBQ at some mutual family friends Steve and Terry's house where it was great to get the Triplets together. The problem was simply telling them apart. Can you tell me which one's Uncle Dwayne, which one's my Dad and Which one's my nephew Wyatt?
I've actually always been able to tell my Dad apart from Uncle Dwayne especially as they've gotten older but what is uncanny is how similar they are in every other way as well. Their walk, talk, opinions, voices, clothing selections, hobbies, careers, you name it and it's probably more identical than they are.
Thats adorable. I need Candy's number so I can help with the shower!
That is unreal how much they all look alike! And unreal how many multiple births run amongst us all!
Wyatt is adorable and such a Keller. Lots of multiples in your families.
Wyatt is the sweetest thing!!! He is gonna love it when your 3 girls get big enough to play with.
Candy's not doing my shower Brittany, Ally and my mom are. Candy's having a baby of her own about 2 weeks before my shower. Crazy!
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