On a happy note another thing I've been able to feel is little kicks over the last 3 days or so. Usually in the evening I'd say. So that means they are getting stronger in there.
On a happy note another thing I've been able to feel is little kicks over the last 3 days or so. Usually in the evening I'd say. So that means they are getting stronger in there.
Posted by Jocelyn at 7:03 PM
That is so great!!! I love the pictures. I am obsessed with your belly. I have never been a real "belly toucher" I hated when strangers would touch my stomach, especially with out asking - although I would show it to anyone! When I see Sundi, I just can't seem to help it, I love to touch her belly - knowing there are SOOOO many little girls in there! She is the cutest pregnant lady! I love the description of how you are feeling, especially that you can feel them kick, cause just last week you hadn't felt them yet, it changes fast!!!!! Can't wait to see you guys again! Okay, I am done now. You look great Sun.
Well, as you know I am dying laughing... so hard that I called you right away. Loved that you took SP's of yourself, love the flash in front of your face but love it the most how HUGE your belly is. This is too funny right now. I probably won't ever touch your belly, but it still intrigues me that there are 3 girls in there. A total trip- still! Glad to know Jocelyn Jr. is kicking- oh and the rest of them too:) ha. I will try to not show any favoritism- promise. By the way- ask Megan Prentice about her varicose veins and other deals down there...! luv u.
Wow Sun, you look like you have 3 babies in your tummy. You sure have grown since we saw you 3 weeks ago. You do look adorable...I love those tight little tshirts over your big belly.
About the veins, you need to talk with your Dr..I am sure they are going to tell you to keep your feet raised "above your heart" when you are sitting. They will probably have some other good ideas for you so be sure to ask. When is your next Dr. appt. Keep feeding those babies..love you.
It's the best feeling when you can feel those kicks. It's pretty amazing actually. And, I remember those long nights and the sore hips. Not fun, but well worth the pain in the end. I can't believe how much your belly has grown since I last saw you. You are still as cute as ever, Sundi. I got horrible leg cramps. So bad that I would cry and cry and cry because they hurt so bad. Have you had leg cramps? Take it easy...only a few more months to go.
I too thought it was wonderful that you took it upon yourself and shot the belly photos! Us women love to see the miracle taking shape! I must say you are growing really good now, didn't think much when i saw you in Seattle but now it is VERY evident that you are carrying 3 babies in there! Hang in there because from the stories my mom shares you are bound to get pretty uncomfortable at times....just continue to keep your positive mind set and I know you will do awesome you are a STRONG woman!
Wow so many comments so soon where to begin... Brit, thanks I appreciate your love for my belly and soon there will be more to love, Joc, I'm not sure if you are being sweet and helpful or if you are just making fun of me as usual,Sandie, Appt's on Thurs. and I'm ready with questions this being one of the first, kasie,if you're talking about charlie horses then yes! All the time and I keep drinking tons of water hoping that will help, Amby, you're right and I'm scared that the stories your mom says is true. I don't want my body to change anymore except for back to how it was before but, I know It's not for too much longer so I'll try to laugh at my upcoming misery and see if I might enjoy it.
Jeeze! I am being sweet and helpful. I really meant you should ask Megan- she might have some helpful tips for you. It's all with love- you should no that by now!
You lokk absolutely beatiful as always. I think you make prenancy look awesome, no offense Kehau. You look beautiful too! Love ya
WOW, a lot of people have a lot to say. I'll start off by telling you that you look absolutely adorable and I LOVE that you tooks pics of yourself, I think every gal that has been pregnant has a few of those. As for the VV's, they're the worst...but not a thing you can do about them...and the kicker is, they're going to get worse. However, they will go away (especially the ones in your groin) and the ones that don't you can get fixed. Ask your doc about giving you a prescription for TED hose...they are a pain, but help with the swelling and pain a lot! Welcome to pregnancy...it sucks:).
Hey megan, thanks for the advise I have a DR. Appt. today so I will definately ask.
Hey Sundi Sue,
You look beautiful even though we can't see your face. I LOVE the belly!! Enjoy the kicks but it must feel like a soccer game is being played in your belly....wait till they get stronger,ouch :-)If your getting vericous viens you should get compression socks. My sister in law has vericous veins and she swears by them...plus she's a docter. Can't wait for the next posting!!
Love Ya,
How fun is this blogging thing? Sundi- let Ryan know I'm blogging in Hawaii- not too exciting yet, but will update again. Love you guys! Thank god for your laptop beings you can't get out of bed anymore.
P.s. you need to update and let everyone know your news!
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