On a happy note another thing I've been able to feel is little kicks over the last 3 days or so. Usually in the evening I'd say. So that means they are getting stronger in there.
On a happy note another thing I've been able to feel is little kicks over the last 3 days or so. Usually in the evening I'd say. So that means they are getting stronger in there.
Posted by Jocelyn at 7:03 PM 12 comments
Posted by Jocelyn at 5:56 PM 5 comments
Posted by Jocelyn at 12:45 PM 5 comments
Posted by Jocelyn at 12:24 PM 4 comments
So Like I said in the entry below we wrapped the presents last night but what was funny is nobody could wait to let Wyatt and Mac open just one present. Suckers! Can't people wait until Christmas anymore? I mean COME ON! This is getting ridiculous!!!
Posted by Jocelyn at 8:09 AM 5 comments
We are spending Christmas in Arizona this year as we do every other year (going to Seattle the opposite years) and this year we are spending it with "The Sharps." That would be my Aunt Teri, Uncle Loren, Cousin Josh, his wife Justina, their kids Malachi, and newborn Ezra, and my other Cousin Jake will fly in tonight.
SO my parents have a full and might I say very noisy house, especially when Chad, Candy, Wyatt, Ryan, and I are all there too.
Last night was present wrapping time and I of course forgot to bring my presents so I took a few pictures instead. Lucky you!!!
Posted by Jocelyn at 7:42 AM 5 comments
All these pictures were taken today in different spots at different times and yes she is now napping on the floor next to me in the office too.
Posted by Jocelyn at 2:40 PM 5 comments
Posted by Jocelyn at 2:24 PM 15 comments
Posted by Jocelyn at 8:07 PM 12 comments
First off I'd like to say that this is Sundi not Jocelyn and I'm doing my first post (without pictures yet). Another first for my parents and Ryan's anyway is not only a first Grandaughter but THREEEEEEEEEE! I have to admit that I was very surprised but we are also both very very excited about it. Now I just have to figure out what in the world I'm going to do with three girls. This is going to be fun!!!
Posted by Jocelyn at 4:47 PM 7 comments