Two sleeping beauties with Jocelyn in blue boppy and Delaney in the flowers

This looks like Ed Grimmley (I must say)!
This is after bath time and the girls are exhausted
Tummy time before we roll them over (they don't look too excited).
Tummy time after
And it's bed time. What a day we had. We'll dream of aunt Joc and sister Cali.

As you can see all they do is sleep still even though they they are 4 weeks old today. Can you believe it?
I MISS THESE LITTLE GIRLS!! They bring tears to my eyes...I love them so much, you need to also post pics of Cali, too...Im anxious to see how that little peanut is growing! The girls look like they are doing GREAT! We miss you guys and will see you soon, Please give them kisses from us!
Love you guys
You too Candy, You know you can post pictures of the boys from Washington and since you're on vacation you have plenty of time (No pressure. Can't wait till you all come home.
i am dying that they are on their boppy's on the ottomon/coffee table- just theeee perfect place so you can watch your shows and the girls at the same time. that was great. cracking up at jocelyn's pants- too funny.
i love that they'll be dreaming of me and cali:) thanks sun!
shoot! i think it's delaney in the long pants.
I can really tell the difference in the close up pictures. No doubt who is who..Sometimes when they are on their sides its hard to know. One thing for sure they both look so peaceful. I am sure Cali is missing her sister's but loving the extra attention she is getting from all the nurses...she will be home soon and they will all be snuggled together..
Uhh..who is wireless...very creepy not sure you want to be added to wirelesses "blogroll"????? Please identify yourself..Sandie B
i deleted it mom. thanks for the concern. funny, funny lady.
so they are in the same bed together? mother's advice over doctor's???
There is something about all of these Brown Babies (including Justin). They are just peaceful and content. I hope I am not jinxing myself by saying that but I am just amazed than none of our babies cry a lot or are fussy! I think it's because they all know how cool their family is and how good they have it!!!!!!! Can't wait to hopefully see everyone soon. Sundi you look so gorgeous in that picture. You now have that mama glow. Keep up the good work guys!
Actually the reason that they are in the same crib is because the video monitors only have two channels so we could only cover two kids. Besides, just like how every nurse has a different view, so do the Dr.'s and at least one says it's not a big deal.
hey- don't get me wrong. i happen to prefer them in their crib together and i can't help but think they do too:)
I remember the trips being in the crib together. I may have only been a teenager back then but they were very content and close to each other all the time and seem to sooth and find comfort in each other by sleeping in the same bed. I think it worked for them. Great pictures I too can see a difference in Jocelyn and Delaney's looks.
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