I'm very lucky that my kids have become great sleepers! That includes naps too. Yesterday Delaney and Cali woke up after 2hrs and 15mins. laughing and jumping in their cribs. Before getting them out I took my time getting their lunch ready on their little butterfly plates and when I came in to take them all out. I found that Jocelyn was totally undisturbed.
Meanwhile ( and please don't judge Delaney's outfit), the others happily eat their lunch

Every time I went into the room to get her so she could join her sisters I couldn't bare to do it so I just kept taking more pictures with the flash right in her face (nothing).

In the end though I started rubbing her back and talking to her. It took some coaxing but she
woke up with a great big grin.

Every time I went into the room to get her so she could join her sisters I couldn't bare to do it so I just kept taking more pictures with the flash right in her face (nothing).

In the end though I started rubbing her back and talking to her. It took some coaxing but she
woke up with a great big grin.