The girls turned 6 months on the 20th and had their check up yesterday. Every one is extremely healthy.
Jocelyn weighs 14.3lb-13%

Delaney weighs 12.10lb-3%
Jocelyn weighs 14.3lb-13%

Delaney weighs 12.10lb-3%

Cali weighs 11.6lbs >3% Yea okay she's a little small. She eats as much as Delaney and almost as much as Jocelyn and I mean I stuff them full but her Doctor says if anything give her more formula. Trust me that will be tough to do. She is perfectly healthy though and the doctor says she may be tiny all her life do to the fact that she was a triplet and her body is used to working harder then a single baby's. Lucky!!!!!!!!!